Metro Volunteer Lawyers Complimentary CLE: Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency

Approved for 2 EDI Credits

 Start Date - End Date

March 29, 2023

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Monday, March 27, 2023

Registration Deadline

Monday, March 27, 2023

Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency
Presented by
Judge Karen Steinhauser & Christine Hernández
March 29, 2023, 8am-10am
Hybrid, CBA Office or Zoom
Having a bias doesn't make a person “bad,” but the inability to recognize it in ourselves and others can lead to bad decisions at work, in relationships and in life. Are you ready to interrupt and overcome it?
The reality is that each of us, no matter how open-minded we think we are, possess hidden prejudgments that influence our behavior and cause us to jump to conclusions. While having a bias doesn't make a person “bad,” and not every bias is negative or hurtful, the inability to recognize biases can lead to bad decisions at work, in relationships and in life. Implicit bias is widespread and can be found in every discipline. In business, including our law practices, it can affect how decisions are made about hiring, firing, discipline, promotions and job assignments. In the practice of law and in litigation of cases, our biases can influence the composition of a legal team, selection of a jury and how a case is put together.
Judge Karen Steinhauser believes it is imperative to develop an awareness of our hidden biases. Only by interrupting them in ourselves and others can we ensure that we are abiding by our ethical and professional obligations, as well as our moral obligations.  
As part of this interactive panel, Christine Hernandez will take you through the “privilege walk”. The purpose of the “privilege walk” is not to make participants feel bad, but to compliment Judge Steinhauser's implicit bias presentation and to challenge us to remember that we all have different experiences that shape our worldview. Being an effective attorney involves stepping into the shoes of our clients, our staff, opposing counsel, and the judges we appear before. Once we begin to view the world through the eyes of others and their experiences, we create stronger bonds with everyone we interact with because we ask questions and stop making assumptions that everyone we interact with understands where we are coming from.  
Cultural competency is just another extension of this concept. When representing non-citizen clients, cultural competency helps you gain your client's trust and makes you a more effective attorney. Christine Hernandez will discuss common ways to connect with your non-citizen and non-English speaking clients. She will also discuss examples of how cultural competency interplays with implicit bias in the courtroom.   
Approved for 2 EDI Credits
For more information, please contact Virginia McClerkin at [email protected]  

Registration Fees

Price Description Amount
Virtual Member $0.00
Virtual Non-Member $0.00

Available Functions


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Location Information

Hybrid - CBA Office and Zoom

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