Need Financial Assistance?

Assistance has always been an important part of the CBA. Throughout its existence, the CBA has worked to assist lawyers. Here are some of the programs we continue to offer today:

Dues Assistance Program

Any prospective or current member of the CBA may apply for a reduction of general CBA and one local bar dues. Additional information about the program is below.

Tuition Assistance for CBA–CLE Programs

Assistance is available for members who are facing financial hardships. Click here for an application.

Confidential Assistance for Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Economic Issues

The Colorado Attorney Assistance Program and Colorado Lawyers Helping Lawyers Peer Assistance Program offer confidential assistance. For more information, click here. Financial assistance may be available through the Waterman Fund.

Dues Assistance Program

What Are the Qualifications & Application Procedures?

Any prospective or current member of the CBA (in state or out of state) may apply for a partial or full dues reduction for general CBA dues. By assessing their own financial circumstances, applicants determine for themselves whether they need a full or partial reduction. The dues assistance application asks applicants to certify that payment of full dues to the CBA would pose a serious financial hardship for them. ALL APPLICATIONS ARE CONFIDENTIAL.

How Much of CBA Dues Will Be Reduced?

After determining their regular CBA dues rate (based on years since bar admission in any state), applicants determine the percentage of dues they need reduced, at levels of 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. Even at the 100% dues reduction level, members are asked to pay $20. If the applicant cannot afford this minimum amount, they must supply a separate letter stating such.

How Long Can I Receive Dues Assistance?

Full reductions are granted for a one-year period only. Each year, at the time of membership renewal, the member will receive an invoice at the full CBA dues rate. If there is still a financial hardship that necessitates dues assistance, members need to re-apply through the same procedures. 

Are Local Bar Association Dues Affected?

In-state CBA members must also join one of the 27 affiliated local bar associations. Only one of the participating local bar association will be approved for the Dues Assistance Program. Any additional local bar associations will be billed at the standard rate.

Are Member Benefits & Section Dues Affected?

Reducing a portion or all of your dues will not affect your membership benefits. You are entitled to the same full benefits as any other member. Section dues, however, are not eligible under the CBA Dues Assistance Program and must be paid in full.