Accountability: Transparency, Measuring and Reporting Progress

Key Concepts 

• Introduce leadership-wide transparency and accountability through reporting, tracking, implementing, and measuring progress

• Ensure that Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity is a top leadership priority and communicate that engagement from all levels of governance is necessary to succeed

• Publish the bar’s progress on achieving Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity goals to promote transparency

• Share that the next generation of members expects and demands an equitable, diverse and inclusive association

• Equip all leaders and governing entities with tools to ensure that they are educated with programming, empowered to act and accountable for achieving Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity goals.


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Set specific EDI goals for your section

  • Use this toolkit as your roadmap in creating your section’s equity, diversity & inclusivity goals

Survey your section council and members for feedback on EDI efforts

  • Collect feedback from your section council and section membership about their experience and perception of whether the section promoted an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment

Track your section’s progress as you implement the Toolkit

  • Use the Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity Toolkit Tracking Guide to show your section's work 
  • Create transparent and consistent reporting mechanisms to inform the CBA|DBA Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity Joint Steering Committee of your section's progress toward achieving your equity, diversity & inclusivity goals and implementing components of the toolkit
  • Create transparent and consistent reporting mechanisms to inform your section council and members of your progress toward achieving your equity, diversity & inclusivity goals and implementing components of the toolkit

Resources for Accountability, Transparency, Measuring & Reporting